Our Family

Our Family
Fall 2015 - These are my people

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Losing weight...

Today I was noticing that once again Anders wasn't having enough wet diapers, even though I've been trying to nurse him a lot. So, I called the clinic and was able to talk with my dear long time family doctor who happened to be on call. He suggested that I take my little guy in to the clinic to weigh him and then think about giving him some formula if need be in addition to nursing. I weighed Anders and he had lost nearly 9 oz. since his Monday appt. NOT GOOD!!!!!!! I just started sobbing because I felt so bad that he was not thriving yet again. I went out to Target and picked up some formula and we did our first formula feeding tonight after I tried to nurse Anders. We're going to supplement with the formula as much as we need to and I'm going to try to keep nursing and see how it goes. I'm hoping to go to a lactation consultant this coming week to get some help and tips.

Gotta run...baby crying...please pray that our little guy can gain weight...


Heidi said...

Dear Melody and family,

THANK YOU THANK YOU for the update on the miraculous birth of your new baby boy! We will be praying for Anders and for you both as well. You take care of yourself and hang in there, Melody; love from Mississippi!

Heidi Sue