Our Family

Our Family
Fall 2015 - These are my people

Friday, October 26, 2007

Sold & Offer In!!!

Well, I can hardly believe it, but we finally decided after much thought and prayer that we should sign the final ammendment paper for selling our home! And in the same day, we heard that the house that we liked had an offer come in, so we decided to put an offer down on that house! We'll know probably in a few hours if our offer was accepted. So, our home is sold now, as long as the closing goes fine on NOVEMBER 12th, and that is the day that we would hope to close on the other home as well. I can't believe that it is 2.5 weeks away. I have some work to do! We have some packing that will need to take place and then the cleaning of course. Here we go...hopefully...I shouldn't get too excited until we find out if our offer was accepted or not. If you happen to read this tonight and would like to pray for that offer, that'd be great.

We had our boiler worked on today. Remember, this is a 1923 house...but our repair guy said that it was one of the WORST boiler situations he had seen as far as it being very dangerously dirty. Good thing he came, right? He started working on it but will have to come back one more time to do a good cleaning on it. There goes another chunk of $$$ down the tubes...but we're so glad that it will be in good working order for our last few days and then for the new people.

Hope ya'all are doing well...blessings...and thanks for the prayers!!!!!